Cosm’Active FAB - At a glance

Cosm'Active FAB is a solubilization of Hesperetine and Naringinine in 1,3-Propanediol to greatly increases the preservative antimicrobial activity

  • Anti Inflammation
  • Anti Microbial
  • Antioxidant
  • Cosmetic Ingredient
  • Preservative
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
Estimated Lead Time:
4-6 weeks
Shelf Life:
1 year
Dispersible In:
Soluble in water and ethanol
Country of Origin:

The detail on Cosm’Active FAB
from Cosmact


Hesperetin is found in Bitter Orange (Citrus Aurantium), and Naringinin is found in Grapefruit (Citrus Grandis). These are organic compounds from the flavone family and are extracted enzymatically.

Cosm’Active FAB is an Hesperetin and Naringinin solubilisation in 1,3-Propanediol. It provides a very high antimicrobial efficiency as a preservative. Hesperetin and Naringinin are also known for their Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory properties.

Cosm’Active FAB makes it possible to limit the quantity of preservative in a cosmetic product while providing optimal Antimicrobial protection, this helps to prevent toxicological problems of the preservative.

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Sample requests from Unifect – what you need to know

All sample requests are given the highest priority and turn round time for items we hold in stock is usually 24 hours although samples held by suppliers may take up to 10 days.

Our standard sample size is 50g but may vary according to the nature of the product.

On receipt of your sample request, you will receive a confirmation email with details of the sample requested, the sample size and an estimated delivery time.

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