Cosm’Active LC - At a glance

COSM’ACTIVE LC is obtained by hydro-glycolic extraction of the Lilium Candidum bulbs and flowers. This hydro-glycerin extract of Lilium Candidum Flowers and Bulbs is proposed in cosmetics for its anti-aging properties. It is produced by grinding the bulbs and the flowers, followed by a decoction in a hydro-glycerin solution. This extract is light brown in colour with a light smell.

  • Regenerating
  • Active
  • China Compliant
  • EU Compliant
  • US Compliant
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The detail on Cosm’Active LC
from Cosmact


Cosm’Active LC has been created for stimulating the synthesis of Pro-collagen 1. It is a glycerin extract of bulb and flowers of Lilium Candidum


The Lilium Candidum was cited during the Middle Ages in the legislative act of Villis, a list of plants recommended in the gardens of monastery under Charlemagne. Formerly the Lys Blanc was considered as the magic plant for unanaphrodisiac love . To break a love charm, the onion had to be worn around the neck after the astrologer intervention.

Therapeutic and Medicinal Properties

> Southing the cough and nerve disorders , the Lys is used nowadays only for external applications.

> Its bulb is employed, baked under the ashes or in the milk, as cataplasm to mature abscesses, boils and paronychia.

> The petals, soaked in alcohol and applied on the injuries, are an excellent antiseptic and they help in healing. We also can apply them as maturative (which hastes the draining pus from an abscess).

> Macerated in oil, they become a sedative and a remarkable burns healing, bruises but also, the wounds and in general the skin diseases. This macerated oil is a popular remedy jus0fied against the earaches.

> The white Lis is also an an0-inflammatory.

Full INCI: Glycerin / Water / Lilium Candidum Bulb Extract / Lilium Candidum Flower Extract

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